
Elite Dangerous Content Incoming

Back in the late 80s there was that computer game I played a lot of hours in: Elite. It was a flight simulator for me mainly - but in space. You got to fly spaceships- SPACESHIPS!. Back then I hardly noticed the game actually has a lot more complex stuff in the background going on.

A few years later (30 or so) someone I read stuff from on the Internet for almost the same amount of time mentioned he is playing a game named "Elite: Dangerous". I had the feeling I need to take a look at that.

Elite: Dangerous is a space flight simulator. Many of the iconic elements of the original game are still there: The design of the "radar screen", the base design of the stations etc. But graphics have improved a bit. Actually graphics are really impressive now - as a non-gamer I was not aware of the fact just how much graphics had improved.

So I played that game for a bit - and mostly was just blown away by the beauty of space. It is awesome - just for the view, the game is worth it's money. Just two examples:

But the new version of that game offers something more: Multiplayer! There are communities doing all kinds of activities the game makes possible - trading, political powerplay, piracy, exploring (there are 100s of billions of starsystems in the game, most of them never visited by a player before) - and a lot more.

Through their Youtube channel I had noticed the existence of "The Buur Pit". And I noticed in the Elite Dangerous Starmap (also a community driven project, BTW) that they plan something. So I started researching how to participate in such a thing - ended up joining their discord (a chat tool) and I think these are great people. So I will be joining "The Pit Trip - A Grand Adventure" and go out to space with group of equally crazy people (I will elaborate on the crazy part in future posts). I am very excited about this... it will be pretty much be my first multiplayer experience in Elite.

And I thought, why not re-activate this blog for that? The posts will be in english, as the Buur Pit is an international community. And maybe some of the other participants also want to read my reports on the trip. Additionally I will place articles about general stuff in the game - very basic stuff mostly, as I am a beginner and maybe others also plan to start the game.. or don't want to start, but want to be able to understand what I am writing. So I will always try to explain stuff, that can not be considered "common ground" for anyone not playing this game.

This is Commander Universallaie, currently docked in the Tewanta system, signing off!

1 comment:

  1. Fantastic start!
    You're so welcome aboard mate - we're also SUPER excited and a little nervous about the Pit Trip ...but what a grand (multiplayer) adventure this will be! :) o7 ~ CMDR Buur
